Telehealth Updates: Equity, Veterans, and Digital Health Innovations

Deploying telehealth for equitable hypertension management

Massachusetts public health officials have implemented a telehealth-based hypertension management program in five federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) to improve outcomes for underserved populations. The program, which includes self-monitoring blood pressure (SMBP) tools and telehealth follow-ups, aims to make hypertension treatment more accessible and convenient for those facing significant social determinants of health (SDOH) barriers. By providing BP cuffs and patient education in multiple languages, the program seeks to address the challenges of hypertension care, such as technology access and patient literacy, in low-resource settings.

The initiative has shown promising results, with over half of the participants experiencing a decrease in blood pressure. The program also highlighted the critical role of community health workers in reaching underserved groups and addressing unmet social needs. The findings suggest that telehealth-based SMBP programs, when implemented with a focus on health equity, can effectively manage chronic conditions like hypertension in vulnerable populations, demonstrating the potential for virtual care to enhance chronic disease management in similar settings. Read more.

Lawmakers look to extend COVID-19 telehealth med exemption for veterans

House lawmakers have introduced legislation to extend a COVID-19 pandemic exemption that allows veterans to receive prescriptions for controlled substances via telehealth without an initial in-person medical evaluation. Originally implemented under the Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2008, the requirement for an in-person consultation was waived during the pandemic to ensure continued access to medical care. The exemption was set to expire at the end of 2024, but the new bill, introduced by Rep. Steve Womack (R-Ark.) and co-sponsored by Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-Ga.), aims to permanently reauthorize this waiver for VA clinicians.

The proposed legislation would authorize certain VA healthcare professionals to prescribe controlled medications through telemedicine, particularly benefiting veterans in rural areas who may have difficulty traveling to a VA medical facility. Lawmakers emphasized that the bill addresses the needs of millions of veterans who rely on the VA’s telehealth services, ensuring they can continue receiving care from the comfort of their homes. Read more.

HHS proposal would require health IT contractors to meet data exchange standards

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has proposed a new rule that would require health IT contractors working with the department to meet specific data exchange standards. This rule, part of HHS's ongoing efforts to enhance interoperability across healthcare systems, would mandate that healthcare entities under contract with HHS use health IT certified by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) or adopt ONC-approved standards. The rule aims to prevent the proliferation of proprietary systems and data silos that hinder effective data sharing and use.

While the proposed rule seeks to standardize health IT practices across HHS contracts, it has raised concerns among some industry experts. Critics argue that the rule could significantly expand HHS's oversight of health technology beyond electronic health records (EHRs) to include other data systems, potentially impacting the regulation of AI and cybersecurity in healthcare. Stakeholders have been given 60 days to provide feedback on the proposal, which some view as an overreach of HHS's authority. Read more.

What’s happening in Digital Health this week?

Grab your coffee (or tea, we like both too) and take a deep dive into what’s happening in our market this week.

23andMe to launch GLP-1 telehealth offering, trims internal drug development team

23andMe is launching a GLP-1 telehealth service through its Lemonaid Health platform, focusing on weight loss management by offering access to semaglutide medications. Simultaneously, the company is downsizing its internal drug development team, shutting down a segment of its therapeutics business while continuing to develop its two drugs currently in clinical trials. Read more.

Fabric Buys Walmart’s Telehealth Business and Stitches AI Into Digital Healthcare

Fabric has acquired Walmart’s telehealth business, MeMD, incorporating it into their AI-driven care enablement system to enhance virtual and in-person healthcare services. This move adds 30,000 employers and 5 million members to Fabric’s network, further advancing their strategy to optimize healthcare delivery and reduce operational costs. Read more.

Big Health clinches FDA clearance of its digital therapeutic for insomnia, SleepioRx

Big Health has secured FDA clearance for SleepioRx, a digital therapeutic for treating chronic insomnia in adults through self-directed cognitive behavioral therapy. This approval allows U.S. healthcare providers to prescribe SleepioRx, expanding access to a non-drug treatment for insomnia that has shown long-term effectiveness in clinical trials. Read more.


Digital Health Roundup: Telehealth Successes & Innovations


Telehealth Innovations: National Awards and New Programs