At CTeL, we strongly believe in the power of collaboration to drive progress in digital health law and policy.

That is why we are committed to building strategic partnerships and securing cooperative funding to support our mission of creating a world where technology-enabled healthcare solutions are accessible, equitable, and safe.

Our cooperative membership structure ensures that all members are treated equally, receiving the same services, and paying the same fees. This approach fosters a sense of community and encourages collaboration among our members, who all have an equal voice and can contribute to our collective effort to advance digital health.

We work closely with government agencies, industry associations, academic institutions, and other stakeholders to develop policies and initiatives that benefit the wider healthcare community. By partnering with these organizations, we can leverage their expertise and resources to further our mission of advancing access to quality digital health.

Additionally, securing funding is crucial to our ability to conduct research, provide educational programs, and host events. We are committed to identifying and partnering with foundations, corporate sponsors, and other funding sources to expand our reach and provide even more value to our members.

If you are interested in collaborating with CTeL or supporting our mission through funding, please don't hesitate to reach out. We would love to discuss the benefits of joining our community of digital health innovators and thought leaders.

Fill out the form to get the conversation started today!