B.E.F.A.S.T and Be a Stroke Superhero.
“It’s a bird, it’s a plane… it’s a… STROKE?”
Could you spot the signs of a stroke if they appeared right in front of you? Most people think of strokes as causing loss of speech or balance, but the earliest symptoms can be much more subtle—and spotting them quickly can save lives. Thanks to an inspiring father-son duo, Dr. Rajiv Narula and his 5-year-old son, Ayan, the importance of early stroke detection is now accessible to even the youngest among us, empowering kids to help recognize stroke signs in their own families.
Dr. Narula, founder and CEO of Sevaro Health and a CTeL member, joined forces with Ayan to create a new children’s book titled B.E.F.A.S.T., Be A Superhero. This book uses superhero-themed language and engaging visuals to teach kids how to recognize early signs of stroke—signs that could make the difference in a life-saving situation. Dr. Narula hopes that this book will “empower kids with real-life knowledge through an enjoyable story that could mean the difference between life and death.”
Every 4 minutes, someone in our country dies of a stroke.
Dr. Ravi Narula and his son Ayan celebrate World Stroke Day with the release of their new children’s book.
“Teaching children to recognize the signs of a stroke can truly be the difference between life and death,” said Dr. Narula. This education is crucial, as millions of young children spend time each week with elderly relatives, often serving as first responders without even knowing it.
So, what does it take to train a young superhero? Dr. Narula’s book focuses on the BEFAST method—an easy way to remember the core stroke symptoms:
B: Balance - Sudden loss of balance or coordination. Are they unusually wobbly or stumbling?
E: Eyes - Blurred, double, or lost vision in one or both eyes. Is grandma squinting at the book, struggling to read aloud?
F: Face - Drooping or numbness on one side of the face. Does one side of grandpa’s face seem to “slip”?
A: Arms - Weakness or numbness in one arm. Can grandma hold her coffee cup or pick up your backpack?
S: Speech - Slurred or difficult speech, or inability to speak clearly. Does grandpa sound like he’s “underwater”?
T: Time - Time to call 911 if anything feels off. Find help from a nearby grown-up or call for emergency assistance.
Dr. Narula’s son, Ayan, wanted to be a superhero by helping people, inspiring the creation of this book to equip kids as young as two to recognize and respond to stroke symptoms. With engaging characters and memorable language, B.E.F.A.S.T., Be A Superhero offers a simple yet powerful guide to quick action when it matters most.
“It’s a tool for families, caregivers, educational organizations, and anyone committed to creating safer, more aware communities”
The book launched on World Stroke Day, October 29, 2024, and will soon be available on Amazon.
CTeL is honored to support Dr. Narula and his son Ayan. We can all B.E.F.A.S.T; knowing what to look for can make any child a true superhero, no matter their age.
To request free copies for your organization or learn more, please email BEFASTBeAHero@gmail.com.